We offer the latest IT training programs for small, medium as well as large organizations.
At Inventics, we strive to simplify your learning experience by offering you a comprehensive range of IT courses. From certification courses to private one-on-one sessions, we have everything that will give your employees a competitive edge and keep your business striving forward! We offer the latest IT training programs for small, medium as well as large enterprise businesses. Inventics is a leading provider of highly efficient IT training programs for motivated technology experts who specialize in working with global businesses and government agencies. Over the past decade, Inventics has been recognized for our high-quality, fully customized training programs designed to provide professional growth to individuals and company staff at every level. With results-driven methods and an innovative course curriculum, we have produced better-than-average recipient outcomes with a 97+ percent success rate from participants from all over the globe.
Why take corporate training?
- Improve Employee Performance
- Enhances Company’s Service Quality
- Strengthen Culture & Thought Diversity
- Nurture Innovative Ideas
- Reduce Skills-Gap
- Improved Efficiency
We provide various corporate training programs as per requirements:
● Mobile App development (Android & iOS)
● Web Programming (PHP5, ASP.NET, and NodeJS, etc.)
● UI / UX Designing & Development (HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, JavaScript and Angular JS, etc)
● Digital Marketing (SEO, SMO, and PPC)
● Soft Skills training
Onsite Training/ Workshop
At Inventics, we understand how important it is for one's business to serve as a tool for forging better understanding between cultures instead of assuming or causing discord based on cultural biases alone. We offer programs that are both practical and culturally sensitive in nature, tailored specifically to your company’s needs. About Our Onsite Training Courses and Workshops - As more of the world becomes interconnected, it is of vital importance that our professional practices reshape themselves to not only reflect different cultural influences but also address the practical needs of this oncoming wave of progress.
Our training courses and workshops include:
● Business Etiquette
● Business Writing
● Effective Communication Skills
● Customer Service
● Leadership and Management
● Productivity
● Presentation Skills
● Team Building
● Leadership and Management
● Better Planning & Problem Solving.
Online Training/ Workshop
We provide fully customized online courses that employees can take independently, at their own pace irrespective of their geographical location. These courses eliminate the need for classroom space, instructor fees, or overtime pay. Online training is the most effective way to provide real value to your employees. They can learn when they want, where they want, and how they want. This will eliminate the potential for conflicting schedules, wasted time, and errors when transferring information from one location to another. It also provides employees with the chance to learn at their own pace without feeling too pressured by time constraints. It's much easier to learn when you aren't worried about making mistakes. As a leading IT Solution Provider, Inventics helps organizations nurture their professionals’ potential by offering them the best-in-class training programs. Our holistic approach to training helps you gain a competitive edge in the marketplace
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